Sunday 16 September 2018


THE ULTIMATE COINAGE ©Awkadigwe Fredrick Ikenna 2010

Life as we live it is not the ULTIMATE COINAGE; it is merely a delayed manifestation of the ultimate coinage. It is the DELAYED COINAGE. It is the cherade of a limited perceptible illusions gathered on the expanding stretched delay, conceived as time, space and eternity. It is not a virgin reality.

The theory of ULTIMATE COINAGE presupposes that our immediate perceptible existence is a remote extrapolation of events at a now DELAYED COINAGE. This delay between the ULTIMATE and DELAYED COINAGE transmutation is what is perceived in human senses as time, space and eternity.

Ultimate Coinage is an Energy-Particulate Concept that is perceived mainly as particulate in human conceptualization. It is a theory of the particulate nature of thought, molecular nature of time, and linear nature of space.

Simply put, human thoughts and imaginations have particulate molecular basis; and because everything that exists is particulate in nature (be they concrete or abstract, conscious and subconscious), they are only perceptible on our human senses and instruments of detection depending on their sizes. This means that the fact that human senses and equipment does not make it abstract or imaginary; because even abstract and imaginary concepts have particulate existence far below our physical and human perceptions.

Some things we cannot feel we can see, those we cannot see we can imagine, those we cannot imagine we can dream about, and those we cannot dream about, they dwell in our subconscience and in eternity. Those things not perceptible in our subconscience exist all d same but beyond our reach.

Everything that exists do exist; and nothing does not exist. All is true because existence is truth. Thus, if everything exists, then everything is true. And if everything is true, then falsehood does not exist. Falsehood is d creation of man and falsehood is d human contraption to justify human inconsistencies. So, if everything exists and nothing does not exist, and falsehood exists among humans, then falsehood is true as well.

The perception of existence or nonexistence of anything is a human frailty. Human thoughts being particulate only feeds from existing particulars. Any thing imagined exists including the imagination of nonexistence; for only those that exist at the particulate level of ULTIMATE COINAGE can be accessed by senses or can commend self to human conscience or subconscience, or can dance around in the depths of human ignorance.

The perceptible universe is not the existence; rather it is a consequential stretched out extrapolation of realtime universe which is not within the ambits of human touch.

The General Order controlling perceptible human existence is located at the level of Ultimate Coinage, and not in the realm of this delayed coinage. That Ultimate General Order is mimicked at the level of the delayed coinage with a lot of incidental wave energy interferences as events at the Ultimate Coinage get transmogrified into human perceptions at the delayed coinage. The thoughts or perceptions reach the human senses as a result of interplay of events from the occurrence of the action at the level of the Ultimate Coinage, through the intermix of the wave lengths and wave forms, to the manifestation of the Ultimate Coinage events at the delayed coinage. This is the concept of transmission-perception coupling in the theory of Ultimate Coinage.

Human instincts, imaginations and belief systems are actually the echoes of events as they occur in real time at the level of the Ultimate Coinage. It is the echo of ultimate coinage of real-time events as they take place, transmitted to human consciousness faster than the naturally slow mode of transmission and perception inherent in human perceptive ingredients. And just as nature is extremely wasteful, some of the transmissions get wasted in the palpable perceptible quantities before their manifestations at the delayed coinage.

In other words, imagination, just like human life and spatial existence, is not under human voluntary control. They are events essentially long completed at the Ultimate Coinage level before it could be perceive by human senses because of the sluggish ability of the human senses to perceive and understand events immediately they occur in real time at the level of Ultimate Coinage. This concept of transmission-perception Coupling explains the CONCEPT OF MOLECULAR BASIS OF IMAGINATION, the ATOMIC BASIS OF HUMAN FEARS AND PARTICULATE BASIS OF DISAPPOINTMENT.

Therefore, human desires are not abstract; rather, they are smallish molecular occurrences compressed from egregious energies plying the faces of the Ultimate Universe,  which is the real Universe. Put in another perspective, human imaginations, fears and hopes, seen as an abstract or mental processes, are actually molecular happenings at the Ultimate Coinage level.

Human dream is mostly an admixture of events in ultimate coinage as brought forward in our delayed coinage and tainted with real-time molecular awarenesses of the human, dancing around in the confusion of his circumstances. Dream may therefore come forward with a distorted view of real-time events, or some of the time enucleates untainted real-time happenings at the Ultimate Coinage. Thus, only dream has some element of human control and execution.

This brings us down to an important question, which is, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAN AND OTHER ANIMALS.

The answer is the rapidity of transmogrification at the DELAYED COINAGE and nothing more.

Man has become one of the only organisms on planet earth that have transmission-perception Coupling that is capable of delayed coinage manifestations in their lifetime. It literally means that an existence with transmission-perception Coupling superior to that of man, would be superior to man in understanding the nature of this existence. With the increasing complexity of energy admix at the Ultimate Coinage, there is growing delayed coinage manifestations capable of self-assessment of their original transmissions. Some of those delayed manifestations include human beings.

Man has continuously manifested in different levels of evolutionary trend. With the evolution of man, it appeared it stopped there. But know! Evolution actually took another latitude i.e. LATITUDE OF MAINTAINING FORM BUT ALTERING CONTENT? The SUBSTANTIVE MAN (L4 man) has succeeded over and above other levels because of his egregiously sharp transmission-perception coupling phenomenon, tilted towards the transmission end of the incident.

Human existence, life and thoughts, imaginations and dreams, as well as our cravings, are elaborately given a begining and sound unshakeable foundations. They take their immutable molecular origin from the ultimate coinage.

Ultimate Coinage -Delayed Coinage (U-D) mismatch tends to present to humans a sense of supernatural existence, fears and disappointments. U-D mismatch is the basis of human melancholy and cravings, in d absense of coinage echoes and the basic ultimate coinage blueprints

The General Control of the Ultimate Universe is by reverse extrapolation, the indirect control of the Delayed Universe, save for the echoes and molecular interferences. This Ultimate Control is oblivious of its delayed manifestations; as the delayed manifestations are only perceptible to the sensitive human and animal products of the transmogrification.

These products dwell in the illusion of time, eternity and space, produced by the destroyed energies of stopping delays, that dissipate in the form of human existence. Perception becomes limited to the sensitivity of the reception. Things are seen at their centre of manifestations rather than in totality. The whole body of things perceived by human senses are only like the eyes of octopus; the imperceptible remnants are bigger and peripheral, matched on points by both perceptible and imperceptible parts of the other bodies. These go on without any iota of knowledge of their occurrences. The perceptible encounters are thus the only events reckoned with.

The Ultimate Coinage is a forward propulsion from CENTRE of drop to the periphery. Each Ultimate drop spreads out from the center and mix up with other wave energies. With the complexity of the wave admix, a critical level of mix will create a Normal from where energies strike and waste. The outcome is a reversal of energy flow of the remnants, commencing from the the terminus of the incident, in an opposite direction. This is the commencement of the delayed coinage. Delayed coinage therefore manifest in the opposite direction as the originating Ultimate Coinage at the Ultimate Terminus. The import is that events at delayed coinage are not only the delayed manifestations of the Ultimate Coinage events as an illusion with unpredictable configuration, but are also occurring in reverse directions to that at Ultimate Coinage.

The essentiality of TheTheory of Ultimate Coinage is that the design of this Delayed Universe happened at the other side ( The Ultimate Coinage Universe) and not on our delayed coinage side; that by all means, the designer may be unaware of our own universe because our perceptible universe is a mere sense produced by the Ultimate Transmogrification. Our Universe was not in the Ultimate Coinage design, even though it is incidental to it. This is because, although delayed coinage derives from ultimate coinage and its interferences, the human perceptions of the eventual manifestations at the delayed coinage could be selfish and immaterial.

©Awkadigwe Fredrick Ikenna 2010.

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